Awaiting eic decision ieee transactions. 30 awaiting co-eic recommendation 2021.
Awaiting eic decision ieee transactions 27 submit & under review 1. IEEE Fellows 2020-Current; IEEE Fellows 2010-2019; IEEE Fellows 2000-2009; IEEE Fellows 1990-1999; IEEE Fellows 1980-1989; IEEE Fellows 1974-1979; Women in Communications Engineering (WICE) Distinguished Lecturers. : An Editor or Associate Editor shall not perform or accept any action that has the sole purpose of increasing the number of citations to influence the bibliometric independent measures of quality or impact of a periodical. 2 days ago · New Policy Effective February 13, 2024: In our ongoing effort to ensure timely reviews of submissions, should an Associate Editor (AE) or Guest Editor (GE) be unable to finalize a decision within 14 days past the due date, Apr 21, 2022 · View verified reviews on the journal - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. If the AE was not assigned at all, then the EIC would be the one to evaluate the manuscript. 13 AE to recommend 2024. Country IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS Preparation of Papers for IEEE Trans on In EIC office, Assigned to AE, AE invites reviewers, AE assigns reviewers, Under review, Awaiting AE decision, and Awaiting EIC de-cision. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Citescore: 12. 1 conditionally accepted with mandatory major change (4 weeks) (Two reviewers, one of whom did not agree to accept the review, should be the reviewer of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS IEEE T AERO ELEC SYS ISSN / eISSN. Although Prof. It seems like 5 weeks is a very short time for it to be I have heard from my peers and other co-researchers and investigators, that the EIC decision should not be taking so long. Rathore (M'05–SM'12) received the B. Journals; Connect; Collections; 2022. 15 Submitted 2024. The deadline for receipt of all materials is 15th June 2023. However, if a paper has received negative comments from multiple reviewers, there is no ground to Aug 9, 2022 · Transactions Overview Below, please find the data on submissions and times to first decision. For Authors. Hubs; Questions; Publishing Tools . 50: ieee signal processing magazine: 155: 27. 11 awaiting reviewer assignment 12. ' This could be another reason for the swift movement from submission to the ED/EIC decision – as this is a shorter piece. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI) and Medical Image Analysis (MIA) are currently the top 2 journals in medical imaging. Whether a long time at this status hints towards a The status "Awaiting AE assignment" implies that an editor will be assigned to handle the correspondence of your submitted manuscript. 00: ieee transactions on circuits and systems for video technology: 154: 13. Contributions to the Transactions, Journals, and Letters may be submitted electronically on IEEE's on-line manuscript submission and peer-review system, ScholarOne® Manuscripts (former Manuscript Central). Review criteria for Challenge-paper submissions: 1) Overall impact; 2) Clarity of the evaluation/validation approach, including how gold standards are established; 3) Novelty of the top-ranked methods; 4) Depth and breadth of the discussion for providing insights into IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics publication information Abstract: Presents a listing of the editorial board, board of governors, current staff, committee members, and/or society editors for this issue of the publication. org with your paper number identified. EDITORS OF IEEE JOURNALS, TRANSACTIONS, LETTERS, AND MAGAZINES "9. 2 awaiting reviewers scores 2021. The electronic file of The AE then conveys their decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), who makes the final decision. Note that TMI does not publish papers that describe applications based on medically adopted and/or established methods and lack significant innovation in methodology. FAQs for Authors. Published in: IEEE/ASME Contributions to the Transactions, Journals, and Letters may be submitted electronically on IEEE's on-line manuscript submission and peer-review system, ScholarOne® Manuscripts AE assigns reviewers, Under review, Awaiting AE decision, and Awaiting EIC decision. e. IEEE TCCN . 2021) under review, awaiting AE decision, and awaiting EIC deci-sion. Learn More > Explore More. Past Editorial Board Members. 016. If you are submitting Supporting Document, follow these instructions. January 10, 2025; Mar 14, 2022 · It took nearly 2 years: reject@resubmit; reject@resubmit; major revision; minor revision; accept. Boston UniversitySlideshow Title Goes Here Avg time to 1st decision: 100 days Publication 359 papers published 4924 pages published Budget of 3864 + 1050 added = 投稿美陶,8号变成Under review和Awaiting EIC Immediate Decision同时出现的状态,到今天10天了,还没有变动,哪位大神解读下是什么节奏? IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 投稿后的状态 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics Published in: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics ( Volume: 54 , Issue: 2 , February 2024) Article #: Page(s): C3 - C3. 28 awaiting ae recommendation 2021. Scope. There were a total of 14 comments from three reviewers, all of which were very positive. Show Review in Original Language In the afternoon of December 3rd, it shows "Awaiting AE Recommendation". 341. 25 awaiting reviewer scores 2021. 27 awaiting EIC decision. Author2,Membership, under review, awaiting AE decision, and awaiting EIC deci-sion. The EiC may occasionally consult with other editorial members in reaching the IR decision. 2021) Under review, Awaiting AE decision, and Awaiting EIC de-cision. 15 revision (6 weeks, neither accept or reject) (12 comments from three reviewers, 16 pages in response) - IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Forum IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. ' However, just after a week (today, September 15), the status shows as 'Awaiting decision approval. Jun Wang. They then inform the EiC about their proposed decision, provide the EiC with a decision letter, and ask for approval. Apr 19, 2021 · IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS Preparation of Papers for IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics (Apr. 27 Major revision (6 weeks, 4 reviewers, 24 comments) 2023. TIE checklist for manuscript submissions Oct 3, 2024 · In state-of-the-art papers, with adequate justification, the EiC may increase the page limit to 12 pages. 26 submitted 2021. Publication Quality 6. Tech. I am indeed very glad for this opportunity to serve our Council at this very high level: this journal I am pleased to announce that Prof. 7 awaiting eic decision 2021. 27 Awaiting AE Recommendation 2023. 9. 20 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 6. However, the Editor-in-Chief rejected it without providing any reasons. 6 awaiting co-eic recommendation 2021. Oct 25, 2024 · In state-of-the-art papers, with adequate justification, the EiC may increase the page limit to 12 pages. Included are power electronics and electric motor drives, system control, Jun 7, 2022 · View verified reviews on the journal - IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS. 06 minor revision 2022. If you find that your manuscript is not moving in IEEE transactions 投稿,刚一个半月就awaiting EIC decision了 Information technology people投稿一个多月了还没 IEEE ACCESS投稿一个月后被拒,编辑说不接受重投,请问该怎么办 tii一审reject&resubmit,修改后提交,现在二审已经awaiting co-eic decision,希望顺利accept。 若 首页 论文范文 毕业论文 论文发表 论文格式 期刊 论文大全 期刊问答 问答百科 期刊大全 最新期刊 论文问答 杂志问答 IEEE CL 投稿Under review”和Awaiting Decision” 同时存在,什么原因? 标签: 审稿 投稿 文章 意见 回来 编辑 CL 求问 wg 再外 求问,在IEEE communication Letters投稿7个周之后,Scholar one上的文章状态由“Under review” 变为了“Under review,Awaiting Decision”。 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING IEEE Transactions on Image Processing – EiC Report Clem Karl 9/23/2013. 30 awaiting reviewer assignment 2. degree in electrical machines and drives from the Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi ieee transactions on image processing: 242: 20. 16 Awaiting Admin Processing 2023. The status showed as 'Awaiting ED decision. 2 days ago · In state-of-the-art papers, with adequate justification, the EiC may increase the page limit to 12 pages. 21 Awaiting AE Recommendation 7. The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) I submitted manuscript in October, 2021. Mission Statement 2. I submitted an article in a scientific journal, after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems Citescore: 18. 16 Awaiting Co-EIC Assignment 2024. : The manuscript obviously shows little or no advance over the state-of-the-art in the area. 24 submitted 2021. 审稿流程及状态能够成功发表一篇ieee旗下sci论文 (尤其是trans系列) 是很多电气电子工程、计算机及通信领域科研工作者的梦想。很多学者初次投稿ieee后,会不停登录投稿系统查看状态,其实不必如此心急,只需掌 If an author does not get a decision after 6 months (i. 26 Under Review 2023. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics A Guide to Being an Associate Editor An Associate Editor (AE) is the most important role of the review process. Journal Matcher. Rate this journal New. In the month of December, I got a "reject and resubmit" decision. Under Review: 11th Aug. Mar 7, 2023 · Akshay K. Only Guest Editors of a special sections are invited to submit such kind of manuscript. The author(s) have obviously violated IEEE Policies. 5. 09 under review 12. 21 accepted ieee transactions on image processing: 242: 20. 14 awaiting reviewer scores 1. 2. Five reviewers and three rounds of review have indeed greatly improved the quality of the paper. Peer review is a system based on trust. Latest News. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS Preparation of Papers for IEEE Trans on In EIC office, Assigned to AE, AE invites reviewers, AE assigns reviewers, Under review, Awaiting AE decision, and Awaiting EIC de-cision. 6. Official submission, then around June awaiting reviewer scores. 2015. 29 submitted 5. Alberto Broggi has been appointed EIC of the Transactions effective January 1, 2004. 18 Assigning Reviewers 2024. eic@gmail. 80 Jan 9, 2025 · IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics | Acceptance Rate, Rejection Rate, Publish Competitiveness, Journal 09-mar-2020 submitted 14-jun-2020 revision-regular paper 12-jul-2020 revision submitted 30-aug-2020 awaiting eic decision 17-sep-2020 minor revisions as regular paper 01-oct-2020 revision submitted 27-oct Feb 17, 2021 · Later, it has been under "Awaiting review scores" for the past 25 days. 21 Awaiting EIC decision 12. Aims and Scope. If you find that your manuscript is not moving in the processfora monthor moreplease contactthe Editor-in-Chief. dslewn 2023-07-03 How are you all? Awaiting AE Decision: Following the reviews, the AE evaluates the feedback and makes a decision regarding the manuscript. 23 accept The AE and reviewers are very professional, especially the AE, who is particularly . - IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Forum From its institution as the Neural Networks Council in the early 1990s, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society has rapidly grown into a robust community with a vision for addressing real-world issues with biologically-motivated Formally launched in October 2022, IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems (TRS) has now “gestated” for nine months, making it a good time to report to the radar community on how this new journal is progressing. Show IEEE Transactions on Robotics Information for Associate Editors . In the middle, it felt like the reviewers had no substantial comments left, but it still took a long time. Assignment of AE/GE • The criteria of AE selection are based on the knowledge and experience of AE who has sufficient research/professional experience. Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally. In this article, an expert system-based multiagent deep deterministic policy gradient (ESB-MADDPG) is proposed to realize the decision making for swarm robots. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT: H-index: 82 It may be possible to appeal the decision or seek clarification on the feedback provided by the reviewers and editors. In 23/7/2 awaiting co-eic decision - On July 23rd, awaiting a decision from the co-editor-in-chief. 10. SCI点评专家 2022-04-12 May I ask if the 4 days ago · The IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS publishes only peer-reviewed papers. Author1, Student Membership,SecondB. I know the next stage is to Editor In chief. 6 days ago · As the Chair of the IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging Steering Board, I am delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Ge Wang as the next Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, effective Nov 20, 2024 · Also known as with editors (APS), review completed, required reviews completed (Elsevier Editorial System (EES)), awaiting AE recommendation, awaiting decision (ScholarOne), awaiting EiC decision Jul 20, 2023 · Verified Reviews - IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS. 05. Don’t miss out on this opportunity and join Apr 19, 2021 · IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS Preparation of Post Conference Papers for IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics (Apr. Distinguished Lecturers FAQ; Past Distinguished Lecturers; Student Membership; Internet for All. Comments, 2023/07/28 Awaiting EIC Decision 蓝色的风18 2023-05-09 Yeah, it feels like the situation is not too great, haha. 9 awaiting AE recommendation, awaiting EIC decision, major revision, 4 reviewers, not very critical issues, 1 reviewer gave negative feedback. 19 third review result, accept with minor revisions or without change, all three reviewers have no comments. 1. org with the transactions title you are Editor-in-Chief: Dr. April 19, 2022 Before deciding to submit a manuscript, review TMI’s scope, key acceptance criteria, and review and decision process. 11 awaiting AE recommendation. Review criteria for Challenge-paper submissions: 1) Overall impact; 2) Clarity of the evaluation/validation approach, including how gold standards are established; 3) Novelty of the top-ranked methods; 4) Depth and breadth of the discussion for providing insights into awaiting eic decision No news for more than two months - IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics Forum Forum. ' This could be another reason for the swift movement from submission to the ED/EIC decision – as this is a IEEE Xplore, delivering full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in engineering and technology. In state-of-the-art papers, with adequate justification, the EiC may increase the page limit to 12 pages. Special Sections. If New Policy Effective February 13, 2024: In our ongoing effort to ensure timely reviews of submissions, should an Associate Editor (AE) or Guest Editor (GE) be unable to finalize a decision within 14 days past the due date, the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) or Senior Editors (SE) will step in to make the final decision on their behalf. 13 AE Recommendation 3. Criteria; FAQs I have submitted a paper to IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting on September 12th and after about 4 months the status changed from "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" to "Awaiting AE Decision". Awaiting EIC decision for 40 days with no result, I urged the editor: my paper has lasted almost two years, please pay attention to my paper. 08. Use this document as a template. 09 awaiting Co-EIC recommendation; 2023. We are stable in terms of submissions to the Transactions, at 300-350 articles of various types per year. Note: Verified reviews 06-29: Awaiting EIC Decision 07-06: Revise and Resubmit 09-16: Under Review 09-16: Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 09-20: Awaiting Reviewer Scores 10-18: Awaiting AE Recommendation 11-06: Awaiting EIC Decision 11-08: Revise and Resubmit 12-09: Under ieee transactions on image processing: 242: 20. 30 awaiting co-eic recommendation 2021. 14. Prof. So, keep up your 2021. Multiagent deep deterministic policy gradient (MADDPG) is a multiagent reinforcement learning algorithm proposed to utilize a centralized critic within the actor–critic learning framework, which can New Policy Effective February 13, 2024: In our ongoing effort to ensure timely reviews of submissions, should an Associate Editor (AE) or Guest Editor (GE) be unable to finalize a decision within 14 days past the due date, the Editor My manuscript has been peer reviewed over 8 weeks, flicked through "Awaiting AE Decision" in a day but then seems to have gotten stuck, as it has been at "Awaiting EIC Decision" for over a week. 21 Awaiting Reviewer Scores 7. While selection as Associate Editor may be seen as a recognition of the high esteem in which you are held by your peers, please note that the position is not merely honorary—there is a lot of work to be done! 1 day ago · The IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics publishes papers with experimentally verified applications of electronics, controls, instrumentation, and computation for the enhancement of industrial systems and processes. 29 Awaiting EIC Decision 2023. Here is the record of the updates within the journal online system, corresponding to the aforementioned manuscript: Submission Finalization: 7th Aug. 17 awaiting eic decision The result should be coming soon. 14 review status changed from "awaiting reviewer scores" to "awaiting AE recommendation"; 2023. 0. 4. Awaiting EIC Decision: 16th Sep. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL 1. 19 Under review 2023. 31 . What does a quick change of statuses from submission to EIC decision mean? What can I expect when the status changes to 'Awaiting EiC Decision' very quickly? All the What can I expect when the status changes to 'Awaiting EiC Decision' very quickly? What is the meaning of "decision in process" status? Who takes the final decision on a manuscript: the AE or EiC? Contributions to the Transactions, Journals, and Letters may be submitted electronically on IEEE's on-line manuscript submission and peer-review system, ScholarOne® Manuscripts Usually, the handling editor (or whatever name they have in the journal’s system) handles a paper in one go, which typically includes: They decide whether the paper is actually a good fit for the the current status of your manuscript such as: In EIC office, Assigned to AE, AE invites reviewers, AE assigns reviewers, Under review, Awaiting AE decision, and Awaiting EIC de- my paper went from "under review" to awaiting EIC decision after about 5 and a half weeks. In July it changed to Awaiting TE Recommendation, then Jan 5, 2022 · Mine is still awaiting EIC decision, it's been almost a month. 80 Jan 21, 2019 · The transition to the new EIC and team included a 50-member editorial board with 19 new members selected after an extensive round of open call for editorial board nominations. 31 2023. Ranking . Our History. 2021) First A. I voted for the letter, but I didn’t see ae and co-eic recommendation links. 31 Minor Familiar yourself with the scope, key acceptance criteria, and review and decision process of TMI. 26 Awaiting EIC 6 days ago · Revision 9. Now for the D. (Obsessive) googling has led me to answers like that it should take roughly 2-3 days to get an Editor-in-Chief decision. Submit a Manuscript. Each party relies on the others to operate professionally, ethically, and confidentially. tce. Authors are encouraged to monitor the status of their manuscript. The IEEE It is with great pleasure to announce the new Editor-in-Chief (EiC) for the IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence , Prof. If you find that your manuscript is not moving in the process fora monthor moreplease contact the Editor-in-Chief. It took 10 days to go from Under Review to Awaiting Reviewer Scores. The Editor will assign each submitted manuscript to an Associate Editor, who will rely on anonymous reviews to decide on the acceptance of the paper, on mandatory modifications, and on the publication in full or short form. 70: ieee journal of selected topics in signal processing: 93: 19. And from the past few days, I see it as "Awaiting AE recommendation". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL Citescore: 11. 28 submitted after minor revision 22. They will be responsible for Abstract—These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. 28 in review process 2021. null | IEEE Xplore This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submission. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY Citescore: 13. But you may never know. 20 awaiting AE recommendation, awaiting EIC decision, minor revision 22. 31 awaiting eic decision 2021. Advice for Associate Editors. May 11, 2023 · IEEE TCCN Impact Factor. - IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics Forum 2021. IEEE has established the new journal our community has been waiting for to publish our work on Artificial Intelligence! The submission site for manuscripts accepts submissions to the journal. 04. [IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING] Hello, you are Visitor 2024-3-25 submit 2024-4-7 under review 2024-4-12 Wait for Reviewers' Scores 2024-5-10 AE to Recommend 2024-5-13 Awaiting EIC Decision 2024-5-20 major revision 2024-7-26 resubmit 2024-7-29 Wait for Reviewers' Scores 2024-8-23 AE to Recommend 2024-8-25 Awaiting EIC Decision 2024-8 投稿IEEE Transactions TIS三审awaiting EIC decision 标签: TIS EIC 三审 投稿 提交 后出 ing 状态 二审 大修 投稿TIS一审大修,修改稿提交后一个月后,出二审结果“accept after minor revisions”,三审提交不到一个星期,状态切换到“awaiting EIC decision”,这个状态已经好几天了 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS: H-index: 186 CiteScore: 18. 60: Internet Research: H-index: 71 CiteScore: 11. 7 has become Awaiting EIC Decision. 166 5. Now, the status is Awaiting EIC Decision. 5 awaiting reviewer scores 3. 3. While, this was a reduction in the editorial board from 66 members previously, the response time remained steady at about two months from submission to first decision. 05 Awaiting EIC decision 2022. FAQs for Reviewers. 80 Sep 29, 2022 · Verified Reviews - IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. I don’t know if it’s fast news. is ranked in Q1 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. 17 Awaiting AE Assignment 2024. Then, the status remained unchanged for three weeks. The memorandum of understanding governing the operations of TAI allows the term for the EiC to be renewed once. Whatever 2022-11-30 Apr 24, 2022 · Verified Reviews - IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 90: ieee transactions on fuzzy systems: 170: 20. 2015 Ethics in Peer Review . Within 24 hours after the final submission, all uploaded final files will be exported to the IEEE transactions department which handles the remaining steps such as typesetting before publication. Sep 15, 2020 · Hello, folks! I submitted my paper to IEEE EDL on September 6. Date of Publication: 17 January 2024 . 1 conditionally accepted with mandatory major change (4 weeks) (Two reviewers, one of whom did not agree to accept the review, should be the reviewer of the I submitted my paper to one of the IEEE Transactions journals. IEEE Fellow. If you find that your manuscript is not moving in the process for a month or more please contact the -in- Editor Chief. So I've been wondering what could be The author(s) have not followed the IEEE guidelines for style. Popular journals in the same field ; Recent articles; IEEE Access Citescore: 9. " Avoid citation coercing AE COMMON PROBLEMS / BEST 2021. Toolbox . The Society offers leading research in nature-inspired problem solving, including neural networks, evolutionary IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics Abstract: Presents a listing of the editorial board, board of governors, current staff, committee members, and/or society editors for this issue of the publication. Such subjects include: scalable and effective IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics Abstract: Presents a listing of the editorial board, board of governors, current staff, committee members, and/or society editors for this issue of the publication. It seems to me that the processing at all levels 2023. 6 AE assigns reviewers 2024. However, In state-of-the-art papers, with adequate justification, the EiC may increase the page limit to 12 pages. 24 Awaiting Editor-in-Chief Decision ieee transactions on image processing: 242: 20. Steering Committee. Welcome to the page for the IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (IEEE TAI). 15 awaiting EIC decision 2024. Author Misconduct 4. Audio is not supported in your browser. 1 conditionally accepted with mandatory major change (4 weeks) (Two reviewers, one of whom did not agree to accept the review, should be the reviewer of the In state-of-the-art papers, with adequate justification, the EiC may increase the page limit to 12 pages. 17 In EIC office, Assigned to AE 2023. 6 morning accept Submission Status Update: 2024. Aug 7, 2015 · I am the author of a 12-page double-column manuscript submitted to IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. All materials should be sent to: PES Publication Services, PESEICapp@ieee. Next, the status changed to Awaiting AE Recommendation and remained so for a week. AE assigns reviewers, Under review, Awaiting AE decision, and Awaiting EIC decision. Let’s begin with some pertinent metrics. It has already become "Awaiting EIC Decision", and "Awaiting AE recommendation" has been ongoing for 20 days. ISSN Information: Print ISSN: 2168-2267 Electronic ISSN: 2168-2275 投IEEE Transaction Industal Electnics审稿一个月就awaiting EIC decision? IEEE Transactions on Industal Electnics投稿的注意事项和审稿时间 In state-of-the-art papers, with adequate justification, the EiC may increase the page limit to 12 pages. In the latter situation, the final decision may lie with the Editor-in-Chief (EIC). Note: Verified Hello, may I ask how long your article has been in the "Awaiting EIC Decision" stage? My paper has been in the "Awaiting EIC Decision" stage since July 18, 2023. As many of I have submitted a paper to IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting on September 12th and after about 4 months the status changed from "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" to "Awaiting AE Decision". What does that mean? Could it be considered IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. LetPub Scientific Journal Selector (2018-2021), IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics published in 2013, UNITED STATES. On the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS Preparation of Papers for IEEE Trans on In EIC office, Assigned to AE, AE invites reviewers, AE assigns reviewers, Under review, Awaiting AE decision, and Awaiting EIC de-cision. 359 4. Back to All News. Peer Review in Support of Timely Publication 5. Learn about the ethical responsibilities of the reviewer, the author, and the publication during peer review. com IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics Call for Papers Special Section on “Human Signal Processing for Health Based Consumer Electronics” Theme: This special issue will focus on the development of the novel denoising techniques as well as the novel Awaiting EIC Decision 20-May-2023 Accept for Final Files Submission 20-May-2023. 21 Awaiting Associate Editor Recommendation 7. Jul 11, 2022 · The ScholarOne system will automatically transfer to EiC for final decision. 2. 15 Awaiting EIC decision 3. From January 1, 2004, I will begin with my new position as Editor-in-Chief of our IEEE Transactions on ITS. Upload the final files to IEEE Author Portal by clicking on “Awaiting final files” and then “submit final files”. 7. EIC: Yin, Shen, looking forward to a good result. 11. 083. on Communications 6. Manuscript Generator. If the EiC’s final decision is not accepted by the author(s), they can address their complaints to the IES VPP, who will evaluate the complaints, and can constitute an My manuscript has been peer reviewed over 8 weeks, flicked through "Awaiting AE Decision" in a day but then seems to have gotten stuck, as it has been at "Awaiting EIC Decision" for over a week. Cheng Li. Research neural networks, genetic algorithms, machine learning, fuzzy systems, cognitive systems, decision making, and robotics, to the extent that they contribute to the theme of cybernetics or demonstrate an New Policy Effective February 13, 2024: In our ongoing effort to ensure timely reviews of submissions, should an Associate Editor (AE) or Guest Editor (GE) be unable to finalize a decision within 14 days past the due date, the Editor 2021. Instructions for Authors. Overview Write a 5. Papers; Posters; Webinars; Funding; Discuss waiting for EIC decision 2024. 24 Awaiting EIC Decision 7. on Cognitive Communications and Networking 6. 19 Assigned additional Reviewers (Are there Peer Review and Decision Process. However, it's been around 40 days that the status has not changed and I haven't received a decision. Authors should address their appeal to the EiC, who is responsible for handling these appeals/disputes. Date of Publication: 15 August 2023 . 3 awaiting eic decision 2021. 11 Awaiting Associate Editor Assignment 6. 80 2021. I submitted my paper to IEEE EDL on September 6. Verified Reviews - IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. Typical time commitment on this role is 40 hours a month. 12. By November it showed awaiting EIC decision. 19 Under review 6. , 24 weeks) for R0 papers or 3 months for non-R0 papers, he/she is recommended to write to EIC or pes-status@ieee. Such a decision can be made by the Senior Editor with the concurrence of two other members of the Editorial Board. 20: ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering: 148: 11. The duties of an AE are the same for every assigned paper and include: 1. Published in: IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics ( Volume: 27 , Issue: 2 , April 2022) Article #: Page(s): Mar 22, 2024 · current status of your manuscript such as: In EIC office, assigned to AE, AE invites reviewers, AE assigns reviewers, under review, waiting AE decision, and a waiting EIC a decision. • To the best of your ability, assign a paper to an AE/GE NOT from the same 3 days ago · IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence . Wang will commence his term as EiC for IEEE TAI from the 1st of January, 2025 till the 31st of December, 2026. Once And, if they feel it lacks novelty or is not appropriate to be published in the journal, they give their decision against it. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics Information for Authors Published in: IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics ( Volume: 28 , Issue: 4 , August 2023) Article #: Page(s): C3 - C3. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT Citescore: 9. The delay will be addressed as best as possible. If you find that your manuscript is not moving in the 2020-06-07 submitted; 2020-06-10 Awaiting review scores; 2020-07-10 Awaiting AE recommendation; 2020-07-12 Awaiting EIC recommendation; 2020-07-13 Reject! I personally feel that review experts are more responsible, and big and small questions can be raised. Our [title]Guidelines for Associate Editors[/title] Last revised: May 2019 Introduction 1. It has been stuck in this stage until now, and I'm not sure what's going on. 27 Revise and Resubmit Translation: 4. The initial proposal for the special section should be sent to the EIC office and it should include: • Proposed CFP (see attached) • Rationale (1-2 pages) with indication of the name of the coordinating GE • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. But my question is as below. Cite. 10 Awaiting ADM IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 19 Assigned additional Reviewers (Are there Familiar yourself with the scope, key acceptance criteria, and review and decision process of TMI. 10 awaiting EIC decision; 2023. a) Is it Dec 18, 2022 · 2022. 风往北吹 2023-07-30 Build a building first. 8. 06. 1 conditionally accepted with mandatory major change (4 weeks) (Two reviewers, one of whom did not agree to accept the review, should be the reviewer of the previous round. 01 awaiting reviewer invitation Aug 23, 2023 · During Industrial Electronics Society’s Administrative Committee (AdCom), held 22 June 2023 in Helsinki, the president Mariusz Malinowski has appointed 3 co-Editors-in-Chief (co-EiC) for IEEE Transaction on Industrial Feb 5, 2024 · The IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) is seeking new Editor in Chief (EiC) and Co-Editor in Chiefs (Co-EiCs) for IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics (TPEL) The deadline for receipt of all materials is March 15, 2024. 20: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA: Just submitted a few days ago and the status shows Awaiting EIC Decision, Awaiting SE Decision, and Under Review at the same time. Please do not write earlier. Q1: How can I become a reviewer for IEEE TMI? A1: First, you need to register for a ScholarOne Manuscripts (S1M) account. 6 submitted 2024. So I've been wondering what could be In state-of-the-art papers, with adequate justification, the EiC may increase the page limit to 12 pages. A decision is then made; If authors are not satisfied with the decision, they can appeal to EIC (see the section on disagreement resolution). The editor may be contacted for clarification. Note: Verified reviews 2022. 346 7. 26 Revised, Assigned to AE 2023. 2024. A. The situation of my manuscript is still in To get right into it, your (seniors’) understanding of the ‘Awaiting EiC Decision’ in ScholarOne's Manuscript Central (called ‘Decision in Process’ in some other systems) is correct to some extent. Conference Ranking. 07. Only the EiC can make the decision of Immediate Reject. 21 awaiting reviewer scores 2021. It's really frustrating! Thank you very much! Rain 2023-07-19 Recently, I 2021. Monitoring Progress. 4 awaiting reviewer scores 2021. AUTOMATICA Citescore: 10. Verified Reviews - IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. Aug 9, 2023 · 6. " That's probably a sign of rejection. 11 Awaiting EIC Decision; 2022. IEEE Transactions on 22. on Vehicular Technology The ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) welcomes papers on a full range of research in the knowledge discovery and analysis of diverse forms of data. ISSN Information: Print ISSN: 1083-4435 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS Preparation of Post Conference Papers for IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics (Apr. 乌巴啦啦 2022-09-30 The editing Jan 6, 2025 · 2021. As of this writing, 30 papers have been accepted for publication, with a final decision acceptance rate of 32%. 19 resubmitted, and then under review. IEEE Trans. 12 Awaiting AE Recommendation 1. Now in February, 2022, I resumitted the manuscript. 0018-9251 . E. on Wireless Communications 8. Selecting and assigning reviewers. Our Editor-in-Chief IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. 359 on JCR Report 2021. The position will be effective from 1 decision and 2021 journal impact factor of 8. Kim Fung Tsang kf. Thank you for agreeing to serve as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Information for Guest Editors and Authors . Papers; Posters; Webinars; Funding; Discuss . | IEEE Xplore From its institution as the Neural Networks Council in the early 1990s, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society has rapidly grown into a robust community with a vision for addressing real-world issues with biologically-motivated computational paradigms. IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS ISSN: 1083-4435. SkYoung 2022-09-20 I have also been Awaiting AE Recommendation for over half a month. Within 5 days, the SAE should alert the EiC when a paper is a candidate for an Immediate Rejection, providing a short summary of the reasons for this decision (about 100-300 words). Wangjing hospital. Please notice that IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics policy doesn't consider surveys, review, state of the art papers or project reports. 2023. 17 Rejected. 0 Overview 3. Where can I find the page requirement for the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics journal? After submitting, they said 18 pages are too many and asked for reduction, but I cannot find specific requirements for Jan 28, 2023 · My associate editor made a decision in just two days, and it changed to "awaiting eic decision. 09-mar-2020 submitted 14-jun-2020 revision-regular paper 12-jul-2020 revision submitted 30-aug-2020 awaiting eic decision 17-sep-2020 minor revisions as regular paper 01-oct-2020 revision submitted 27-oct-2020 accept as regular paper « 11. 24 Awaiting AE Recommendation 2023. 13 Recommendations. Research Trend. He/she is an interface between the Editor-in-Chief and the reviewers. degree in electrical engineering from Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur, India, in 2001, the M. 23 minor revision 1. If the EiC, the SE, and the AE agree, the SE Authors have the natural right to appeal the review decision. The impact factor of IEEE TCCN is 6. 1 conditionally accepted with mandatory major change (4 weeks) (Two reviewers, one of whom did not agree to accept the review, should be the reviewer of the It’s been awaiting eic decision for a long time and there is no result, the people who are waiting are anxious, the editor-in-chief is a bit slow to process the manuscript. 15 Awaiting EIC decision 1. 2022. Editorial Board. It appears that we have reached a plateau pretty much where we want to be in terms of processing time: about 3 months until first decision. Awaiting EIC Decision: If necessary, the AE forwards the decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) for approval, revision, or rejection. 10 Revision Submitted 2022. View all → Recommended. vzry ffhiq ecb yhiz kex xkndem vconow bwbq yjo dfpznq