Arcpy delete features where clause The easiest way to do this without demystifying feature layers was to create another feature class and use the where clause there then proceed with the " Copy = "CopyFeature" try: if arcpy. I do not have a Map Document (*. MakeFeatureLayer_management. I've also tried using the 'is in' function but I'm not sure I'm using it right with the where_clause. I want to create a model that will iterate datasets within a FGDB and delete all where there is an empty output, or whether someone could help with an initial batch clip iteration where any empty outputs generated are deleted. I go under the alias Clubdebambos on each of them. management. Every week I put time towards answering questions on three main platforms; GIS StackExchange, Esri Communities, and Reddit. It is a view. Delete_management Having arcpy. Time Both of these, you don't have to Solved: I want to run an update cursor that operates on a couple of conditions as in the following: with arcpy. ; Loading a new feature class into a FeatureSet object will not overwrite the original feature class. Using Select Layer By Attribute and Copy Features I'm getting every single row copied over. da) might still be faster, one could also use Make Feature Layer or Select Layer By Attribute followed by Calculate Field. Thanks Santhosh The zipcodes in the file though are nine characters long (i. Code: #set workspace to check if features are empty later arcpy. To remove fields during processing, delete output fields from the Field Map. Select arcpy. Using the FeatureSet object as input to a tool or function that modifies the input, such as Calculate Field or UpdateCursor, will modify the original feature class. If a layer is used for the Input Features parameter value and no expression is entered, only the selected features will be written to the output feature class. Here is the code (I commented the lines with my doubts, questions, remarks): # Selects all states whose boundaries touch # a user-supplied state import arcpy # Get the US States layer, state, and state name field usaFC = r"C:\Data\USA\USA. 8 notebooks with a where clause of two long fields of a file geodatabase feature class (FID fields after union): where_clause_1 = '("FID_outBarriereBuffer" = -1 AND "FID_Nutzung_Weide" > -1)' arcpy. The field delimiters used in an SQL expression differ depending on the format of the queried data. selectFeatures() with, as Kirk suggested, a where clause that will return all your features. 1. da, for example: print "Field1 Min = %s, Field1 Max = %s" % (str(row[0]), str(row[1])) del row del cur arcpy. GetCount_management(fc) if count > 0: #export Solved: Dear Friends, Please find the attached gdb. These surface types are in one feature class (polygon) - associated with the feature class is a column called "grid_code"; the grid_code column has values from 0 to 145. I may just perform a where clause with (arcpy. env. An optional expression that limits the rows returned in the cursor. Exist is only seeing if the variable exists, how wou The syntax used to specify the WHERE clause is the same as that of the underlying database containing the data. SelectLayerByAttribute_management(Table, "CLEAR_SELECTION") rows = arcpy. GetParameterAsText(0) insert_field = arcpy. addOutputsToMap = False had no effect on the internal layer list either (which it shouldn't). I thought arcpy. where_clause=where) arcpy. FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion (in_features, out_path, out_name, {where_clause}, {field_mapping}, {config_keyword}) It's slightly annoying since you have to specify both output workspace and output feature class name, and I don't I am running ArcGIS 10. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer is true. Section Content 0% Complete 0/3 Steps 06 ) # Set to contain each township-range (for splitting into separate feature classes later) buffer_trSet = set # Cursor gets the township-range-section from each intersected feature and puts it into the set # The script also writes the township-range-section info to different fields so the final output matches our schema with arcpy. PolyGeo ♦. Using "IN" within where clause of arcpy. Reply. Describe(fc). I want to iterate through the gdb, select the point features that are within a polygon shapefile, and export the selected feature results to a new gdb. The Field Map parameter controls how the input fields in the Input Features will be written to the Output Features. I saw a lot of posts about how you select maximum value in the particular field and I've been trying to use that query in a python code, but none of the posts really helped me solve my problem. However, I reckon it is easier to delete features without using a cursor: arcpy. I am using this at the moment: delete rows in feature classes where some of the fields contain zero (0 could you only bring back the rows that meet the condition and delete them all? import arcpy arcpy. ), and a value from the field. (InFeatures,"Layer",where_clause) # make a new layer arcpy. The first code block below doesn't work; the second code block does work. I don't understand why I have to add the "if" clause to get it to work. UpdateCursor. Delete("fl") fl = arcpy. FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion() to copy the result to a new feature class. import arcpy arcpy. I generally use Feature Class to Feature Class (arcpy. I will only know which map layer the user wants to work with at run-time. If the input features are from a layer with no selection, all features will be deleted. These come close but I see some issues. I'm getting the invalid sql expression for the clause. gdb/roads" # Create a search cursor using an SQL expression with arcpy. delete from rohilla a using rohilla b where a=b and a. e. I think my where clause might be the issue. Records from the Tables contain useless data which needs to be deleted in the script process. The geodatabase has been created and I have the following code, # Import system modules import arcpy from arcpy import env # Set the workspace arcpy. Update cursors also support with statements to reset iteration and aid in removal of locks. I'm trying to set up a loop that includes using items in the array along with string text to populate the where clause. SearchCursor(Table, " \"Name\" LIKE 'Albert%' ", "", "Name;") As an aside, there are a lot of helpful examples of how to use the various toolbox tools, and their python implementations on the ArcGIS Desktop Help Site in the Professional Library. Here's an example: import arcpy EingabeTabelle = r"C:\tmp\Test. work = arcpy. What Esri's documentation does say, and Dan alludes to in his response, is that the Find Identical and Delete Identical tools use the same algorithm, so you can run the Find Identical tool first to see what records would be deleted using the Delete Identical tool. Add and remove fields from the fields list, reorder the fields list, and rename fields. Exists(Copy): arcpy. The SelectLayerByAttribute tool returns a Feature Layer, which is an in-memory object that references the selected features. SRNumber and RESOLUTION_CODE. I would like to create a more compact script that prints min and max values of each numeric field from a feature class. xxxxx-xxxx) so I'm trying to use the wildcard character after five digits in the where clause but I can't figure out either where to put it or the syntax I'm supposed to use. Deletes all or the selected subset of features from the input. After that, zero, one, some or all ArcGIS geoprocessing tool that deletes one or more fields from a table, feature class, feature layer, or raster dataset. Update cursors can be iterated using a for loop. The feature class, shapefile, or table containing the rows to be updated or deleted. The issue seems to be that the KMLToLayer_conversion statement creates a file geodatabase (no surprise) that subsequently cannot be deleted even when the feature class is removed from the map, the layer file is deleted, and the geodatabase contents are deleted. However, I only want to retain geometry and uniqueid fields for the new selected features that I want to output to my new gdb. The basic workflow is, get the information you need for the file naming from the feature class attributes and store in a dictionary where the key is the GlobalID and the value is the attribute(s) - use a list as the value if you need multiple attributes to make up your filename. Select_analysis and tried using "LIKE" in my where_clause and have seen examples using slicing, but have not been able to get a working solution. Keep the following in mind when using the Feature Set object:. layers flayer = flayers [0] flayer. Hot Network My understanding for making the feature layer is so you're working on a copy. import arcpy from arcpy import env import time import datetime import pyodbc import ctypes from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta import smtplib import sys #process: Lock Test on Feature classes def CheckLock(FeatureClass): if I have an attribute Field with 3 different values such as "Move", "Move, Copy" and "Draw, Copy, Move" . Derek ArcPy data access class that establishes a read-only cursor on a feature class or using a del statement to delete the object or wrapping the cursor in a function to have the cursor object go out of scope should be considered to guard against all locking Use SearchCursor with a where clause to identify features that meet specific criteria. SearchCursor (fc, ["OBJECTID"], where_clause=sql ) Print the Discussion. for fc in filtered: if arcpy. Other cursors available are update and insert cursors. I am implementing a unit test for an ArcGIS for Python script. The temporary feature layer can be saved as a layer file using the Save_To_Layer_File tool or can be saved as a new feature class using the Copy_Features tool. I have tried to delete the features using both the Delete Features and Delete Rows tools in Pro. Geometry object properties can be accessed by specifying the token SHAPE@ in the list of fields. AddFieldDelimiters(prod_db, "FCSubtype") # Get subtype of Bridge bridge = "5" # Define spatial reference sr = arcpy. workspace= 'MyGDB. da methods need, given my environment. Immediate_Assessment" , "tmp_tbl" , where_clause ) Usage. I am new to python and I would to like to count the number of features in each feature class that meet certain criteria. Generally this would look something like this: I will use arcpy. MakeFeatureLayer_management (fc, "DeleteRows",criteria) I am having trouble deleting the features I have selected using 'arcpy. DBO. If subtype and domain descriptions are not required in the output, leave the Transfer field domain descriptions environment unchecked (False or NOT_TRANSFER_DOMAINS in Python) for best performance. And THAT was the trick for me. integers which don't. However, using a del statement to delete the object or wrapping the cursor in a function to have the cursor object go out of scope should be considered to guard against all locking cases. 65 For your second recommendation he should use arcpy. Delete_management('SelectionStateLayer') arcpy. UpdateCursor("Your Parameters") as cursor: # Start an I am trying to pass a variable into a where clause in the "Search Layer by Attribute" arcpy function. SearchCursor Features conforming to the specified where clause will be deleted. Append_management(Source_FeatureClass, Destination_FeatureClass, "NO_TEST") If this is a large volume of data, you can perform delta updates using the FME ChangeDetector or alternatively, script it up in Python using the Insert, Update, Delete cursors. shp, and extract the second and third rows into @AlfredBaldenweck unfortunately it is a number that I'm trying to match--both the field and the user-input value are dtype=double, so I didn't think that would be an issue. JSON Response syntax (when objectIds are specified) # Create a list of all IDs to be updated in the Target_Shapefile. 2. sde\GIS. Esri doesn't say, which is why no one said here how the tool decides which record to keep. 05 Search Cursor with Tokens. next() last_time = last_row. Improve this question. SearchCursor(a_table, where_clause=where_str, sort_fields=sort_string) last_row = cursor. If you delete features from the feature layer, it also deletes them from the underlying feature class. and Hello to everyone: I have some dificulties to find the correct syntax of the where_clause in a selection process: Both of this two possibilies give me an error. It has text field "NAME". ArcPy itself seems to now be able to cater for figuring out how to present to get the last value you could loop through a feature class (or but for a feature class it wouldn't because OBJECTID is not consecutive if you've ever deleted a row arcpy. For instance, file geodatabases and shapefiles use double quotation marks (" "), personal geodatabases use square brackets ([ ]), and enterprise geodatabases don't use field delimiters. gdb" for fc in fcs: geom = arcpy. MakeFeatureLayer_management This tool also supports a where clause so you can supply that instead of making a new feature arcpy. I have the following script that selects features from an enterprise database and then exports (output, parish) arcpy. Complex feature classes, such as annotation and dimensions, are not supported. I was hoping that I don't have to delete all features so I could run tests asynchronously. This means the GUIDs will be passed instead of OIDs for delete, update or add features. SearchCursor ("view", fields, where) as cursor: for row in cursor: Select = #need to format a where clause that # evalutes row[0] not in typeDict arcpy. I'm I want to delete all features from the current featureLayer. workspace = outputDir #make iterable outFCs = arcpy. Think of it as like a layer in ArcMap with a Definition Query. Each edit result identifies a Records from the Tables contain useless data which needs to be deleted in the script process. content. The other answer appears to provide a solution, but if that works, then I think an easier syntax for ArcPy newcomers to learn uses just Python String Formatting instead:. CreateFeatureclass_management(output, fc, geom, fc, spatial_reference=fc) UPDATE: I am new with Arcpy, I have a code for scheme lock on featureclass, Please suggest me how to remove the lock. Discussion. DeleteFeatures_management tool on a . If you set the arcpy. Your where clause would probably look like 'Type = 'Watermain' and Measurment = '8in' and make = 'PVC' and Owner='Joe' ' or something of that nature, ArcPy Feature Class to Feature Class blank results - ArcGIS Pro. FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(SOSC, "aPath", "aFC ", Clause1 Although I am thinking the UpdateCursor (arcpy. The issue occurs with this very simple where clause (1=1) and with my actual where clause (fieldName='fieldText'). You may be able to get away with your original script just by doing this: MakeFeatureLayer_management (in_features, out_layer, {where_clause}, {workspace}, {field_info}) (Documentation abridged from ArcPy documentation) Parameter Explanation: in_features: The input feature class or layer from which to make the new layer. Once you have all your features, pass them to applyEdits() as the deletes. 6. Exists() will check for the existence of datasets, so it should always return true given the way you have it set up here, because query will exist whether there are records in it or not. SearchCursor(facility_fc, ("SHAPE@XY"), "ASUFAC = '123456'") What is the correct syntax to use in order to have a value from the facility_id field be evaluated correctly in the where clause of the arcpy. How to delete the empty feature class from gdb. You can then overwrite the original feature class or save the layer to a new feature class. A feature layer is not a copy. Improve this answer. 1 Kudo by JakeSkinner. See below, a similar script I have used in the past. I have an add-in script for a toolbox in ArcMap that lets a user select a data frame, a layer within it, a field from the layer, an operator (= , > , <, etc. FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion), which can accept a where_clause. Select_analysis(in_features = Pipe_Table__WGS_PIPE_, out_feature_class = WGS_PIPE, To delete the layer object use arcpy. Holding onto row values while using cursors. MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, "tmp_layer", "Grid_Code IS NULL") Usage. UpdateCursor where clause which gives RuntimeError: Cannot find field? 1. MakeFeatureLayer_management(usaFC, "AllStatesLayer") whereClause = nameField + def maskCoastlineConflicts(prod_db, desktop_fldr): arcpy. Creating a subset of XY data by most recent date. The geodatabase version to apply edits. Esri Esteemed arcpy. Also select which type of files. Search cursors also support with statements to reset iteration and aid in removal of locks. shp" arcpy. In this snippet of code, note that the same where clause is implemented, this time to create a selection on the Cities feature class as opposed to producing a cursor of records to iterate through. Subscribe to RSS Feed; Mark Topic as New; Mark Topic as Read; Float this Topic for Current User; Bookmark; Subscribe; 9 fields, see picture (but the sent_to, released_by and pub_date fields are mostly empty) There are 292 rows Solved: arcpy . (I've run into similar issues with SQL functions). I have problems in ArcGIS Pro 2. I would use the power of the 'whereclause', ensuring you have all the rows you want to delete before proceeding: qFlt = "SR_SN_2 <> ' ' AND SR_COLOR_2 <> ' ' AND SR_SIZE_2 <> ' ' AND SR_LOCATION2 <> ' '" with The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the DeleteFeatures function to delete features based on an expression. Select(inBarriere, outWeide, where_clause_1) With this I get the following message: I wonder if someone can help me. I agree with @MichaelStimson that you should use "Split By Attribute" functionality to both Select each feature into its own feature class and then Polygon To Raster each single feature class. MakeFeatureLayer(features, layerName) do other stuff arcpy. The default data type of an output field is the same as the data type This script runs fine the first time but fails when run the second time. Use featureLayer. " The selection process works fine but for some reason those selected The delete Features operation is performed on a feature service layer resource. Using ArcPy I'm Trying to Set up a Where Clause in my "FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion" This {Where Clause} needs to Query Two Columns in the data: arcpy Make Feature Layer using a where clause. I tested if CHAR_LENGTH function is valid one for query definition using this script: It does seem odd given that it works fine with a feature class in a file geodatabase, but Esri does state Using in-memory workspace—Help | ArcGIS Desktop: Data written to the in-memory workspace is temporary and will be deleted when the application is closed. The where_clause is "item_no in (123,456,789)"; return records with a value in this field found in this comma-delimited list. Below is an example of the table I am working with: Within each grouping of "El_Season" that is the same (in this case OIDs 1&2 and OIDs 3&4) I would like to sort based I have a layer (shapefile) with 37 features in it sitting on the top of my Table of Content. As you predicted, it broke when I tried to put the number in quotes, which makes sense. analysis. Feature Vertices to Points 3 Lessons Expand. 0. MakeTableView_management (in_table, "myTableView", "PARCELA LIKE arcpy. This is what the list will look like after it is passed into the script from the user (using a multivalue parameter in the script tool), and the semicolon delimited string has been split. Below is the script that I'm trying as a start. Follow edited Mar 24, 2017 at 4:45. Share. You can delete your features like this once you have your max: criteria = "Test = " + str(y) arcpy. 03 Feature Vertices to Points Tool in Action. I would like to delete all rows where my SRNumber and RESOLUTION_CODE are found in multiple rows. ctid < b. gdb\Boundaries" state = "Wyoming" nameField = "NAME" try: # Make a feature layer with all the US States arcpy. Converts a shapefile, coverage feature class, or geodatabase feature class to a shapefile or geodatabase feature class. DeleteFeatures_management(Destination_FeatureClass) arcpy. The input to the delete Features operation can be a list of ObjectIDs, where clause, and geometry to apply as a spatial filter. SearchCursor(Input_Table) for row in rows: Input_ID = row. If you go to the rest service you can go to the layer and delete features with the where clause of 1=1. MakeTableView_management ( " \\RDA. Each dataset contains several thousand feature classes, and the idea was that I could just delete the feature dataset when I was finished with the ModelBuilder output, instead of deleting each feature class individually (which would take forever!). Your query would work just fine as "subject_pid = target_pid", field delimiters aren't I have a feature class where there are multiple values duplicated in a row, i. arcpy. You probably should switch from arcpy to the ArcGIS python API. Section ArcGIS Pro Tool. import Note: Converting to shapefiles with subtype and domain descriptions may take more time (slower performance) than without descriptions. UpdateCursor(fc,field_list) as cursor: for rec in. SearchCursor(fc, ("roadclass", "name"), "roadclass = 2") as cursor: for row in cursor: # Print the name of the residential road I would suggest that you only call arcpy. Search cursors can be iterated using a for loop. workspace = "c:\Scripts\Lab 6 Data" sType = "JUNIOR HIGH" outFile = "output. query = arcpy. The code below gives a count of selected features, if any are, but it also returns a count of all features (~27k+) if none are. The temporary feature layer can be saved as a layer file using the Save To Layer File tool or as a new feature class using the Copy Features tool. UpdateCursor but treating it like an arcpy. UpdateCursor and arcpy. arcpy; feature-class; where-clause; error-000258; Share. Delete_management(Copy) arcpy. search ("your search criteria") [0] flayers = feature_layer_item. To delete from the internal list I am using arcpy. SearchCursor(someFC,someFields,someQuery) print (len(rows)) #I'm sure this used to work with the old cursors, but doesn't work with da. Why create this workflow Every week I put time towards answering questions on three main platforms; GIS StackExchange, Esri Communities, and Reddit. UpdateCursor(Target_Shapefile,['ID', 'Lat Writing MakeFeatureLayer_management Where Clause With Multiple Mixed Values using ArcPy Hot Network Questions Is it idiomatic to say "I just played" or "I was just playing" in response to the question "What did you do this morning"? Another alternative is to create a feature layer containing only the fields you want, then use arcpy. Exists(fc): arcpy. I tried changing the user-input value to string, but that didn't work either (predictably). gdb_version. SearchCursor with where_clause="SHAPE IS NOT NULL" returns Data written to the in-memory workspace is temporary and will be deleted when the application is I'm trying to write a script that clips all feature classes in fcList by the successive rows of a clip feature. Example: where= PO P2000 > 350000. ctid; Using with clause you can do the following to delete duplicates. Deactivated Note: Converting to shapefiles with subtype and domain descriptions may take more time (slower performance) than without descriptions. updateRow(row) But this produces the error: I successfully deleted over 100,000 records from a hosted feature layer using the REST Delete Features tool by way of putting 1=1 in the where clause (and nothing in the Object ID field), BUT I did this in my organization's Portal 10. env . 05. Delete_management('out_layer') arcpy I'm attempting to delete some features from a feature class using an arcpy. When i call the arcpy. Gave up on this pursuit multiple times. 5 and I am using a python notebook for managing my layers. – Your code fails because the variable name (pocidCnt) is inside a string and is therefore being taken literally: the final query being used is "pocid" = pocidCnt, where pocidCnt is clearly not a number that can be matched. Agree & Join LinkedIn Set the path of the feature class. SearchCursor function? This will work on a versioned database feature class: edit = arcpy. Creating WHERE clause from list using ArcPy. management Use the looping and variable value as shown in Aragon's answer with the FID field (this is the zero-based object ID field for shapefiles) as the select field as shown in L_Holcombe's answer to generate the where clause, and all should be good. Delete_management Learn how to create and use feature layers with ArcPy, a tool that lets you reference a subset of features from a feature class or a table. A search cursor can be used to retrieve rows. A list (or tuple) of field names. update cursor with compound where clause; Options. I find that to be a good practice. I am attempting to order based on two fields within an arcpy cursor so that I can then eventually delete the rows I do not want. I go under the alias Clubdebambos on each of them. Its data source will be a feature class in a versioned dataset on an enterprise geodatabase. And I am not sure how to print out the values that do not equal "Y". 02. AddFieldDelimiter to ensure proper delimeters 2) strings need single quotations vs. feature_layer_item = gis. SelectLayerByLocation ('PointInFile. I ran into problem when trying to specify the query for the dates. 1 and see the same thing whether I use the in-memory feature class directly in a search cursor or through a feature layer Why the arcpy. Follow answered Jun 17, 2011 at 16:07. I have to select them and export them to a new shapefile. It is a feature layer representation of your feature class, and in your case a subset of features as you provided a where clause. ListFeatureClasses() output = "OutGDB. I'm using arcpy with ArcGIS 10. But THIS response from @Nick included the use of in rather than IN for multiple target values. Using numeric variable in where clause of ArcPy SearchCursor? 2. DeleteFeatures_management() once, after the search cursor has gone through the entire thing; you can keep track of all of the features to delete as the cursor progresses using a python list, and then construct a query to re-select and delete them all in one go at the end. In ArcGIS Pro I delete that useless data with the Select by Attributes tool: Select [Where] [FieldName] [contains the text] [uselesstext] And then delete the selected records. Every odd record populated by 3 characters long string, other records populated by 2 characters long string. SelectLayerByLocation_management() tool. MakeFeatureLayer(shp,"fl",sql) # check count of features in continue # copy features, only happens if there is a feature in the feature layer arcpy. Solved: Hi all, I am trying to 1) Select by Attribute and 2) overwrite a feature class with selected features. An update cursor can be used to update and delete rows, while an insert cursor is used to insert rows into a table or feature class. (in_table, out_view, {where_clause}, {workspace}, {field_info}) arcpy. This tool accepts layers with selections as input and will delete only those features that are selected. This will not affect the input. If an SQL expression is I am working on a practice problem, and i have hit a wall. count = arcpy. Here is what I have so far: import arcpy fc = r 'Feature Class' with arcpy. arcpy. mxd) open so in order to do this, I have to use Make Feature Layer I have a script that works great with selecting dates greater than "my From date" but I can't get the code to work when I want to add a less than to the sql where clause (a to date). My goal is to delete features in based on a date range in a FGDB feature class. The line uc. geometry_filter. def removeName(shapefilePath): Features conforming to the specified where clause will be deleted. However, using a del statement to delete the object or wrapping the cursor in a function to have the cursor object go out of scope should Quick addendum. Tables, feature classes, and rasters can be written to the in-memory workspace. I guess my arcpy. This week I helped g3odood on Reddit who was looking to remove duplicate records based on geometry, but needed to keep the records Delete Usage. ValidateTableName(name, outputfolder) to make sure he is creating a compliant shapefile name. import arcpy. deleteRow() throws an exception with the message iteration not started . DeleteRows_management(in_rows="fc_lyr") Share. CopyFeatures_management() or arcpy. First off, start using arcpy. # Import system modules import arcpy import os # Set local variables datasource = r"C arcpy. I then use this where clause in an UpdateCursor to update only the features in that list of ObjectID's: with arcpy. SelectLayer, ByAttribute (view, "ADD_TO_SELECTION", Selection) jamesfreddyc bixb0012 Dan_Patterson arcpy Make Feature Layer using a where clause. lyr Where clause problems when all parts I have a feature class where there are multiple values duplicated in a row, i. UpdateCursor, again with a where clause. UpdateCursor(fc, "LASTUPDATE") as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[0] == Between 1/01/2019 0:00:00 PM AND 1/01/2020 0:00 I am writing a function to delete rows based on a certain value. The kludgey old-style cursors should not be used in new code. Usage. lyr', "ARE_IDENTICAL_TO", dataBase) # Make a copy of the existing features and delete them from the new file. addOutputsToMap = False arcpy . lyr file or just the selected features? Here is my code: You have to provide valid SQL where clause and defined variable in getValue() function. rows = arcpy. SewerCollectionNetwork" ArcSDE = I have a feature service created using ArcGIS for Server and using python i want to select feature(s) based on OBJECTID and delete them. SpatialReference(4326) # Get CoastlineL and CulturalFeaturesA I want to write Python code that removes duplicate features from a table based on their attribute value. Also, I was using GetCount initially but it returned the count of the feature class when a field name was misspelled in the SQL. fc = r"<pathName>" Search the records using the SearchCursor function and get the OBJECTID. startEditing(False, True) # Create update cursor with arcpy. You can substitute the value represented by the pocidCnt variable into the query string in the following ways:. PolygonToRaster_conversion (OutFolder,out_Raster)) arcpy. My preference is usually arcpy, but there are other geoprocessing ways of accomplishing the same task. I have got a good start with this script, everything works aside from actually deleting the Unlike the other answer, this won't copy a bunch of unnecessary records only to delete them right away. So in the attribute table, there is a field with the ToDate for each street segment. My goal is to delet all the old stree Does anyone know of a quick way to return the number of records in a query constrained Search Cursor using the da module? rows = arcpy. Exist would do the job, but I am missing something here. Example: delete all file tables from the gdb or all layers. I have tried many ways in model builder Make Feature Layer produces a feature layer, rather than a feature class, so out_layer cannot be directed to the "memory" workspace. If I execute the following line of code, one record is selected from the feature class, and is correct: cursor = arcpy. The user will be selecting the features to delete in Arcmap. For a single field, you can use a string instead of a list of strings. gdb\YourTable" field = "Liste" whereClause = field + " IS NULL" arcpy. MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, "QueryLayer", """Date BETWEEN '2014-02-16 Features conforming to the specified where clause will be deleted. overwriteOutput = True or explicitly delete the reference to the feature layer you shouldn't have any issues overwriting it. (Col1 below can be any column, if entire row is duplicated) Yes, but I think I may just adopt a dirty work around. I'm iterating through a feature class with 12,000+ records and filtering out features that meet a certain criteria (room classification). cursor = arcpy. If you want to completely avoid exporting an entire feature class if it has no rows, use the get count method. AddMessage("\tMasking coastline and bridges") # Subtype field used in where clause to access bridges in CulturalFeaturesA subtype_fld = arcpy. One layer contains streets (old ones which are out of date and actual ones). Delete_management(tempLyr, 'GPFeatureLayer') it looks like a feature layer is being passed to the updateCursor Debugging arcpy. GetCount_management(). If the input features are from a feature class, all rows will be deleted. The Hello, What is the proper syntax for where_clause when I have multiple conditions? This is what I got when I exported from my model builder: arcpy. The script above is actually a simplified minimum (non) working example. Write a script that updates the attribute of SIZE with the values ‘Large’ or ‘Small’, depending on the value of the TOT_ENP (the number of passengers) field. 1 Kudo by ErtTre. sql = "{0} = '{1}'". You can turn it into an ArcTool with parameters. I want to check if any features in a feature class are selected, and exit the script with a message to the user if they aren't. workspace = r "C:\SouthA\Bolivia. . 06 Cursors in Action with Custom ArcGIS Pro Tool: Archive Deleted Rows 3 Lessons Expand. Delete_management() on the temporary layer itself as in: tempLyr = arcpy. 7. /St_Johns/data. Follow Delete duplicate features with identic geometry based on attribute with QGIS. Your call to MakeFeatureLayer is actually creating a feature layer that ends up with the name of "memory\boecFL". CopyFeatures_management('PointInFile. However, for faster performance and reliable field order, it is recommended that the list of fields be narrowed to only those that are actually needed. Delete_management(fc) Chances are you'd never have it try to delete one that doesn't exist but this way, it keeps deleting if it DOES find one that doesn't exist (maybe you or someone else deleted it before it got there). I need to extract those rows with different values of TotalCT, which means I need to extract the first row into a new shapefile named Value_1. Delete_management('PairedCheck6') #returns the degreebearing value as the dip Based on the problem statement in the comment section, you can use the query below to delete duplicates. format("NAME_1", row[6]) I write lots of where clauses for use with ArcPy, and never use AddFieldDelimiters. Complex feature classes, such as annotation and dimensions, are not valid inputs to this tool. The geoprocessing tools are not really great for agol. The default data type of an output field is the same as the data type The following picture shows the table for the shapefile. How to delete all rows where a where clause is met with arcpy. Use the Field Map parameter to manage the fields and their content in the output dataset. Delete_management('lyr') arcpy. Eliminate_management(in_features = "layer", out_feature_class = outputshapefile, selection = "AREA", ex_where_clause = ' "Vegetation" = 5 ') Each type of cursor is created by a corresponding ArcPy function (SearchCursor, InsertCursor, or UpdateCursor) on a table, table view, feature class, or feature layer. Editor(workspace) # Edit session is started without an undo/redo stack for versioned data # (for second argument, use False for unversioned data) edit. Delete_management I thought that this question is similar to SQL query new feature with loop, or even Using a for (fid) within the where clause. This week I helped g3odood on Reddit who was looking to remove duplicate records based on geometry, but needed to keep the records from the duplicate groups that had the lowest I've been using arcpy. da. 1 environment; so, ArcGIS Online might limit how many can be deleted due to cloud resource usage I have a Python script that reads features from one feature class based upon a given WHERE clause using a search cursor and then inserts the features from the search cursor into another feature class: import arceditor import arcpy inputfeatureclass = arcpy. First, a valid SQL expression can still return a feature layer with zero features if no features meet the criteria. da. delete_features (where = "objectid > 0") I created a number of feature datasets to temporarily store the output of some ModelBuilder models. UpdateCursor are two different things, your script looks like it's creating an arcpy. Delete_management, what you have in your code is to delete the selected features from the feature class permanently, most of the time it's not neccesary to delete the layer object though as it will be destroyed at the end of the script anyway. 04 Search Cursor with where_clause. The problem is that I need to verify whether the current fc of the fcList overlaps the current row of the clip rows. SearchCursor(fc1, ["pocid", instead of using a while loop here, you probably want to use a search cursor in concert with a for loop, which lets you move row by row through a table (or feature by feature in a featureclass or a shapefile) performing the actions you want. If the feature class is in an enterprise geodatabase, you can specify an ORDER BY. Summary. Since I need to know that one layer (feature_layer below) includes the centroid of the other, I'm using the arcpy. Here is my snippet: for row in arcpy. workspace = "Database Connections\ADMIN Edit. In geodatabase I have many feature classes. overwriteOutput = True The where clause will then be used in an Update Cursor, so that the rows NOT equal to the values in the list will be deleted. In ArcGIS Pro I delete that useless data with the Select by Attributes tool: Select [Where] I have a layer where features are selected by location in relation to one or more other layers (selection_type is ADD_SELECTION) in a loop. 0. Commented Nov since you explicitly mentioned using cursors. UpdateCursor(lines_backup, fields, where_clause_points) as cursor: for row in cursor: row[1] = 'processed' cursor. lyr file that has selected features, does it delete the entire . gdb so I decided against suggesting a where_clause, but it will work. Here is what the question is asking. I know i am able to create a local copy, delete them manualy and sync back to the service but i want to do all the lifting via python. Delete_management (fc) When I Where clause problems when all Although this is not a full recipe, here is the snippet: You can delete features by calling delete_features() method on your FeatureLayer object like shown below:. ArcPy Cursor Where Clause to Delete Rows -- why is if statement needed? 0. The operation returns the results of the edits in an array of edit result objects. For more information on WHERE clauses and SQL statements, see About_building_an_SQL_expression. 5. For instance, if there is data within a 2 day range then I would like to print true or do something else. I've written a function called make_skinny() (with two wrappers, make_skinny_feature_layer() and make_skinny_table_view()) that takes a list of the I would like to query a feature classes date range. While working with SearchCursor, I'm trying to specify the SQL where_clause from a table called "Parcel" within the featureClass, and I want the MAX and MIN value from the column LAND_VAL - While deleting records, print the name of each deleted school. and I am not interested in transfering a possibly large number of features to the arcpy-client. These are elevation values and will be selected out to classify t I have a gdb of point features. Optional string. For details on the expression syntax, see Introduction to query expressions or SQL reference for query expressions used in ArcGIS. I cannot figure out what combination of strings that arcpy. shapeType arcpy. I haven't tested this or even looked up the Eliminate tool, but this doesn't look quite right: ### Execute Eliminate. getValue('ID') Input_ID_list = Input_ID_list + Input_ID # Set "Where Clause" Where = "Where ['ID'] in Input_ID_list" # Create the Update Cursor with arcpy. The select or SQL expression is built with the Query Builder or is typed in. gdb' fcs = arcpy. Understood the protocol steps of 1) arcpy. You could also select rows with the WHERE clause, then use DeleteRows_management – Vince. But I can't find a function that checks if any features are selected. I think one of the efficient options would be using where and sql_clause arguments of arcpy. Opening simultaneous insert or update I have an ArcPy based script where I'm trying to intersect two layers where one layer must have its centroid in the other layer. Here's what I have s I have a geodatabase and I would like to be able to delete layers in there easily using ArcPy. My code is not deleting the features that are not equal to "Y". I cannot seem to figure out the correct format for the SQL expression so that the function reads the value of the given variable, and doesn't just read the variable name as a string. Hi all, I am working with ArcGIS Pro 3. I am working with surface types that I derived from LIDAR data. Use an asterisk (*) instead of a list of fields to access all fields from the input table (BLOB fields are excluded). The default data type of an output field is the same as the data type I am trying to copy specific attribute table rows from one shapefile to a new shapefile that will contain only the specified rows in its attribute table, that is, if a field GDP_TOP10 = 1. GetParameterAsText(1) where_field = arcpy I am trying to export a feature class from SDE which contains an expression. DeleteFeatures_management("centroids_thinned_layer") print str(count) + " Attributes Deleted. Coordinates are specified in the spatial_reference provided and converted on the fly to the coordinate system of the dataset. Complex feature classes, such as annotation and dimensions, are not supported by this tool. ListFeatureClasses() arcpy. Use AddFieldDelimiters:. The load method will only An empty feature class is very different than a feature class with no geometry. You could use arcpy. If your data is small enough (and in Pro that means 10-15 GiB) you can use Python's sorted utility to reorder on a descending order by area (look in the doc for lambda). My guess is that there's an issue with the COUNT function being passed in the sql clause. tuvlds jichdop rkfknt mqo ukhe lkgea ukxk fhbzumybn kkjx jkvb